Constraining Black Hole Accretion Disks by Detecting Time Lags Between
 Quasar Continuum Emission Bands Yan-Fei Jiang, University of California, Santa Barbara Black hole accretion disk that is responsible for the optical/ultraviolet
 continuum emission from quasars is usually too small to be resolved directly.
 As photons with different wavelengths emerge from different radial ranges in the accretion disk, time lags between different continuum bands can constrain the sizes of the accretion disks. I will describe the successful detection of such time lags for a sample of 240 quasars 
based on more than four years of multi-band (g,r,i,z) light-curve in the Pan-STARRS Medium Deep fields. We detect typical lags of several days in the rest frame between the g band and the r,i,z bands. The detected lags are ~2 to 3 times larger than the light crossing time estimated from the standard thin disk model, consistent with the recently measured lag in NGC5548 and micro-lensing measurements of quasars. The lags in our sample are found to increase with increasing luminosity. Furthermore, the increase in lags going from g-r to g-i and then to g-z is slower than predicted in the thin disk model, particularly for high luminosity quasars. The radial temperature profile in the disk must be different from what is assumed. We also find evidence that the lags decrease with increasing line ratios between ultraviolet Fe II lines and Mg II, which may point to changes in the accretion disk structure at higher metallicity. I will also briefly show some recent results of global three dimensional radiation MHD simulations of black hole accretion disks in quasars including the iron
 opacity peak self-consistently, which are promising to understand the time lags we have found. By carrying out similar experiment with LSST data, together with the simulations, we will be able to significantly improve our understanding of black hole accretion disks in quasars and go beyond the standard thin disk model.